10 rules of the natural beauty

1. Hair

The primary step in hair care is to avoid harms. The most harmful thing for hair is artificial hair dye which is also an allergen. One of the best remedies for hair care is black cumin oil. Comb your hair every two days with a comb dipped in black cumin oil 2-3 hours before washing hair. If you take into account the fact that the hair is dead tissue, you will see the effect on it when new hair is comes out. Your hair will be thick, shiny and without ringworm.

2. Lashes

If you want the lashes to be long, tight, and clean, use the antimony named ismid. It also brightens the eyes.

3. Rash

Pour a tablespoon of calendula, a tablespoon of peppermint, a tablespoon of chamomile and 2 tablespoons of glycerin in 200 grams of salycilic alcohol and mix them together. After keeping it for 10 days, rub it on your face twice a day.

4. Face whitening

Pour 4 teaspoons of aquilaria agallocha powder on 200 grams of unrefined olive oil, leave it in the sun for one week and rub it on your face twice a day. Indians name it ‘prokosini’, which means face whitening.

5. Offensive breath and teeth

Use the miswak steak. It eliminates the halitosis after regular use and makes the teeth shiny. Miswak should be used at least 3 times a day.

6. Breasts

Mix 2 parts of trigonella and 1 part of chaste tree together. Brew 3 tablespoons of it in 4 glasses of water in a thermos bottle and add a teaspoon of honey to it. Drinking 4 cups a day instead of regular tea, your breasts will grow bigger and your lips will become even more full and you feet even more chubby. At the same time, it regulates broken hormones in women.

7. Belly fat

First, pour 4 tablespoons of red pepper powder and a teaspoon of ginger on 250 grams of unrefined olive oil and mix them. Then, put it over a low fire and heat it. Next, add walnut-sized bee wax and mix. When the wax is completely solved, put it aside. After the solution cools down, it is completely ready to use. Massage your belly fat for 15 minutes twice a day and wrap your belly with a waistband. It will stir up the fat and cause the fat to melt.

8. Varicose on feet

Peel 3 horse chestnuts a day, grate them, pour it on your palm and massage your feet for 20 minutes. Then, hold your feet above your body for 20 minutes.

9. Beautiful look

Drinking senna tea twice a day activates gastro intestines which, in turn, make the skin look more beautiful. In ancient times, Russian women would do so to look more beautiful to kings.

10. Heel chaps

Add 10 grams of eucalyptus, 10 grams of peppermint and 10 grams of sage to 200 grams of black cumin oil and massage your heels twice a day.