Flatulence and its remedies

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What is flatulence?

           The first flatulence occurs in newborns. Because newborns do not have intestinal microflora, they cannot be fed with everything. Infusion of herbs that increase bowel movements, such as dill, anise, norm and cumin should be given before meals. It is better not to poison children by using synthetic drugs for this purpose.

           The main symptom of flatulence in newborns is abdominal gripes. To reduce the pain, add 2 tablespoons of mint leaves to 100 grams of olive oil, close the lid tightly, keep for 2 weeks in an ordinary oven or heater (at a temperature of about 45-50 degrees) and strain. With the obtained peppermint oil, gently massage the abdomen from top to bottom and in a circular clockwise direction.

Flatulence in adults

Those who suffer from flatulence should first change their lifestyle, go for a walk and eat salads, greens, as well as fruits half an hour before the main meal. If there are no results, consult a doctor to determine the cause of the flatulence.

           There are several reasons for the presence of flatulence in the intestines. For example, low enzymatic activity – this is due to a decrease in bile secretion or weakening of the pancreas. In this case, it is necessary to infuse and drink herbs that have a cholagogue effect and contain inulin:

  • Tansy – 100 grams
  • Juniper – 100 grams
  • Aquilaria Agallocha – 100 grams
  • Common centaury – 50 grams

           Mix these herbs together, infuse 2 tablespoons of the mixture in a thermos containing three glasses of water and drink a glass 3 times a day before meals. You can add honey if bitter.

           Flatulence can sometimes be of gastric origin as food is eaten, but normal digestion does not take place, as if it accumulates in the stomach. This often occurs during a decrease in gastric acid secretion.

  • Ginger – 100 grams
  • Sweet flag – 100 grams
  • Wormseed – 100 grams
  • Flax – 100 grams

           Brew the plants and drink in the above way.

           Flatulence is more likely to be of intestinal origin and occurs as a result of decreased intestinal motility. At this time it is necessary to walk fast. Walking 5 km a day forces the intestines to work, and herbs containing ether compounds also increase the motility of the intestines.

  • Anise seeds – 100 grams
  • Fennel seeds – 100 grams
  • Oregano – 100 grams
  • Valerian roots – 100 grams
  • Sweet flag – 100 grams

           Mix 100 grams of each of the herbs; infuse 2 tablespoons of the mixture in three glasses of water and drink a glass before meals.

           In some regions of Azerbaijan – in Ordubad, Sheki, Agdash, Ganja and Baku, arrack of various aromatic plants, i.e. ether distillate, is produced. To do this, the plants are brewed, then boiled, and the distillate is obtained by converting the steam into water. Herbs such as yarrow, mint, melissa and thyme are used to obtain distillate. Mixing a tablespoon of the arrack with a glass of water and drinking it while eating prevents the food from causing flatulence.

           In some cases, when carrying a heavy load, the gastrointestinal tract loosens which slows down the activity of the intestines and causes flatulence. When the patient puts his hand on his stomach or intestines, he can feel as if his heart is beating there. In this case, the abdomen is massaged upward with ordinary sunflower oil and tightly tied. This should be done once a day for a week.