Women’s friend – hilba


Hilba is a plant known by various names such as trigonella, fenugreek etc.

           Hilba increases the production of female sex hormones; therefore, it can cope alone with problems like hormonal disorders in women, infertility, menstrual disorders, early onset of menopause, etc.

           Hilba has a very strong composition. Both men and women feel very strong and energetic when using it.

           With regular use of hilba, women’s breasts grow.

           An ancient Arabic proverb says: “If you want your women to have large thighs and breasts, give them hilba.”

           I offer such a prescription:

–     Keep 100 grams of hilba in water for one day. Then put it in a bowl, lay a wet piece of gauze on it and keep for another day. After one day, crush the germinated seeds, add 1-2 tablespoons of olive oil and make it into a paste and eat during the day. You can take this mixture for 2 months. Or you can mix the sprouted hilba with salads, yogurt, soups and sour cream. Hilba also lowers blood sugar levels. It is a very milk enhancer. I do not know any other remedy that has such a strong milk enhancing effect.

–     Slowly boil 2-3 tablespoons of hilba in 200 grams of water for 15 minutes. You will obtain a solution like a kissel. Apply it to the affected areas for skin problems like rashes, eczema, diathesis etc. and massage twice a day. Hilba also has a good effect on the cardiovascular system, lowers cholesterol and reduces the risk of heart attack. It was one of the plants used by our Companions, and there is even a hadith about it. Due to its benefits, the Prophet (Peace and Blessing of Allah be upon him) called hilba a plant equal to gold (I could not find the source of this hadith, though). Sometimes Arabs use it as an Arabic proverb.

           Boil 300 grams of hilba in water, pass it through a meat grinder, place on the spleen during spleen growth and tie it. It is better to do this before going to bed in the evening. Wait until the morning and open it in the morning. You can do this treatment until your spleen size normalizes.

–  Grind 150 grams of hilba, mix it with 500 grams of honey and eat a teaspoon 3 times a day before meals.

–  Boil 2 tablespoons of hilba in 3 cups of water for 5 minutes and pour it into a thermos. Drink a cup 3 times a day before meals, and finally eat the seeds.           I consider the use of sprouted form to be the most effective method.