What to do when you get angry?

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The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, “Anger is from the devil,” and he said that actions taken in times of anger are done by the will of the devil.

           Maybe we all use the phrase “I got angry and I did it.” However, they say that regret does not help in any way. So our Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) advised us what to do when we are angry.

           I think that if we learn these tips and apply them in our lives, we will never regret what we have done. Anger is from hell, so quench it with water, and when you are angry, the best course of action is to perform ablution. So, the best way to calm your nerves when you are nervous is to wash your hands and feet with cold water.

           In addition, it is better to change the posture, for example, sitting while standing and lying down while sitting also calms the nerves. When someone gets angry and says to himself, “I seek refuge in Allah from the evil of the depraved devil,” his heart will calm down, insha’Allah. In addition, the recitation of Surat al-Falaq, Nas, Ikhlas and Fatiha has a very good calming effect.