Is jinx real?

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Our Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Jinx is true. If there was anything that could exceed our destiny, it would be jinx.” Then he said: “A person who is jinxed is ordered to perform ablution, and he performs ablution, and then the water of that ablution is poured on the head of this person, and his whole body is wetted with this water.”

           Jinx, as they say, is a term ingrained in our way of thinking, and while some deny it, many believe it.

           If there is jinx and it can harm our health, then it should be prevented. And I researched whether the existence of jinx was approved in our religion.

           One day, a Companion named Amir saw another Companion named Sahl bathing and said, “By Allah, I have never seen such a body before.” After that, the Sahl began declining day by day. When he told this incident to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), he rebuked Amir and ordered that the ablution water of Sahl be poured on him again, after which Sahl gradually recovered.

           Some hadiths, on the other hand, advise the one overlooked to seek refuge in Allah from the evil eye and recite the Ayat al-Kursi, Ikhlas, Falaq, and Nas to protect himself from the evil eye, and ask Allah to direct the evil eye to its owner.