Benefits of leeches (first post)

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As you read the article, you will understand how much we humans need this useful creature. You don’t have to be sick to apply leeches. Healthy people will always be healthy if they apply leech prophylactically; their internal organs will be well nourished, and their arteries will become elastic. The length of blood vessels in the human body is 3 times the diameter of the earth. But don’t think that everyone has all the arteries working. For example, in heart patients, nine out of ten vessels do not work. It is useful to apply leeches for the functioning of all blood vessels.

         People who regularly apply leeches do not have diseases such as Alzheimer’s, myocardial infarction, atherosclerosis, as well as cerebral vascular spasm. The leech improves cerebral circulation and strengthens memory and attention.  There is no other remedy that can be as effective as leeches, especially in osteochondrosis of the neck, osteochondrosis of the spine and all parts of the joints in general.

Good effect

         The leech has a very good effect in the treatment of both nodular and diffuse forms of goiter so that the leeches placed around the nodule cause the tumor to shrink in a short time. In the treatment of pharyngitis, the leech is again applied on the throat.

         The blood of those who use leeches does not clot or thrombose more than normal.  Such people do not have ischemic heart disease such as myocardial infarction, stenocardia and atherosclerosis.

         We know little about leeches, but if we can use this miraculous creature in time and in a proper manner, we will not suffer from serious diseases.

         For example, leech contains up to 105 enzymes in the saliva, only one of which, hirudin, prevents blood clotting. Doctors advise patients who have had a heart attack or heart surgery to take aspirin for the rest of their lives, and forget about the leech, which is much more effective than aspirin.

         Another enzyme, destabilase, improves eye nutrition, prevents diseases such as cataracts, and slows the development of diseases such as glaucoma.


         Another enzyme found in leech saliva is oligoraza. This enzyme clears the inside of venous vessels that have been blocked by thrombosis in varicose veins, increases their permeability, opens the opening of small vessels and prevents blood stasis. Leech saliva contains the active substance of fibrinolysis, i.e. substances that dissolve thrombi. If you have ever noticed, diabetics sometimes develop incurable wounds as a result of a simple thorn in the foot, and in most cases, the surrounding area has to be cut. Because their arteries are blocked and blood circulation is disrupted. In such people, foot sores can last for years. Over the years, they apply various ointments to the wound, they take various medications, but they forget the most useful treatment, leech.

         The benefits of leech in the treatment of coronary heart disease are invaluable. Leech does not only open the arteries, but even after a while creates a cheerful, high mood in the patient. An acquaintance once asked me to visit a patient who seemed to be dying. After examination, I said that it was important for this patient to be in intensive care. The patient’s children said they brought him from the intensive care unit. That is, the patient’s condition was very serious, so they brought him home to die at home. The cause of the disease was almost complete blockage of the arteries. I said that I normally prescribed leech to such patients, but I did not want to prescribe anything this time because this patient was in a very serious condition. After the insistence of their children, I verbally told them how to apply the leech and left. About two months later, I saw the patient come to me on foot, and he said he walked for 1-2 hours a day.

         The substances in the saliva of leeches increase the production of natural painkillers in the body, which are close to morphine in terms of analgesic power. There is nothing more effective than leeches for people who suffer from chronic pain for a long time. In the treatment of prostate disease, doctors first prescribe drugs to improve the blood supply to the prostate gland while the leech is much more effective than them. Leech improves the blood supply to the prostate gland, causes the dissolution of calcinates, strengthens the immune system, and enables the body to treat inflammatory diseases itself.


         Leech is an invaluable source of healing for the eyes. After prescribing 50 drops to a person for both eye pressure and cataracts around the eyes (of course, not all at once, but slowly, for about 2 months), the result was perfect. There were no signs left of either disease. According to him, the doctor who examined his eyes was shocked.

         The effect of leeches on osteochondrosis and headaches caused by osteochondrosis and is also irreplaceable. One day, a woman in her 70s consulted with me. In this woman, osteochondrosis was so severe that her neck did not turn. She said she had very severe headaches. As soon as I told her about leeches, she stood up so quickly as if she had been electrocuted, saying that she had used all remedies, but none of them had helped, and she was very afraid of leeches. I prescribed hijama to this patient, and I told our hijama worker to put a leech on her back without her noticing it. Thus, at the end of the procedure, when the leech saturated along with the hijama and fell to the ground, the patient saw the leech and asked where the leech had come from. After our employee answered that it fell off from her, she saw that the leech was not too scary and agreed to be treated it with leeches. In the first stage, I prescribed 60 leeches to this patient. Two months later, the woman said she had applied 200 leeches. I protested a lot that it is not right to put so many leeches because there might be additional complications. In response, the woman said that her condition had greatly improved with each leech and there was almost no sign of pain. She had applied leeches on her neck, back and head every day at home.

         Leech is also indispensable in the treatment of inflammatory joint diseases such as rheumatism and rheumatoid arthritis. Thus, it quickly reduces both pain and swelling in the joint.

         Leech is very effective in the treatment of hemorrhoid because it is also formed as a result of vascular stagnation. During hemorrhoid, leeches are placed on the knots after which it shows its immediate effect.

         The enzymes in leech saliva are antioxidants, so leeches must be used to prevent tumors and to treat tumors that have already formed. People who regularly apply leeches will never have a heart attack or stroke!