Cure for sun and pigment spots

Piqment ləkələr

Sun or pigment spots are a matter of great concern to the ladies. There are various remedies for the treatment, but I always write the best and most useful way so that our people do not lose their confidence in plants and, over time, love the flora. Depending on the size of the spot, add 2 tablespoons of Aquilaria Agallocha powder (make sure it is fully ground) to a glass of pure honey (half a glass is also possible) and mix them up for 15-20 minutes until the honey becomes like cream. Then, pour it into glass container and close it. Leave it on the windowsill under sun rays for one week. A week later, apply it on the spots and wait for half an hour. Do it once a day until the spots are completely gone and mix it thoroughly before use. Remember that this mixture whiten the face, removes pimples and acnes and revitalizes the skin. If there is redness on your skin after use, stop using it or use it with caution.