Delicious and helpful date milkshake

xurma kokteyli

Generally speaking, many treatments can be both painful and challenging whereas some of them can be both helpful and delicious. This milkshake is the one which belongs to the group of the delicious.

How to make:

It is also simple to make. Peel 3-4 Iranian dates and deseed them. Put them inside a glass of milk and mix them with a blender. You can make it even more delicious by adding a teaspoon of cream to it and mixing it with the blender. You can drink 1-2 glasses of this milkshake a day.


All the minerals and vitamins in the dates integrate into the content of the milk. It is indispensably effective for growing children and adults. It improves the cerebral blood circulation and the eyesight as well as sharpens the focus; it is also used in the treatment of amnesia. It is a perfect remedy for muscle contraction. It is useful for those who suffer from bone melting (especially, women who go through climacterical period experience bone melting), and those who suffer from joint pains. It cleans the veins, and is useful for liver and gall. It is useful for those who suffer from hepatitis and can be used in the treatment of constipation and hemorrhoid. Strengthens the immune system, energizes the body and increases sexual desire.

Over time, it makes the skin shiny, has an antihelminthic effect, and it is also effective for those whose nerves are tense. This drink can be drunk any time. It causes a deep sleep if drunk at night before bed