Effective and delicious tea

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We do not drink or do not like any kind of tea except for the black one. But it is high time to break this established stereotype. Allah has bestowed on us so many blessings that we do not use or we are not even aware of at all. Drink lime tea sometimes.

Tea with tutsan-lime mixture is both delicious and very effective. Tea with camomile-oregano blend is also very delicious and has countless benefits. Here is how to make the tea with green tea leaves and thyme: mix a full tablespoon of green tea leaves and one teaspoon of thyme in a 3-4 glass teapot. Brew it for 15 minutes. You will see how tasty tea can be. This tea is nerve-calming, soothing and aromatic. It is also effective for cleansing the body slugs. This tea is also good for those who wish to lose weight as it is a little diuretic.

         There is a type of tea that I drink almost every night before bed and that is tea with green tea leaves and sorghium. I have never seen a person who does not fall in love with this tea as soon as he/she tastes it. It is very delicious and aromatic. It causes a deep sleep after drinking.