Female infertility


Although men are under the influence of testosterone for months, the situation is completely different in women. The fact that women are under the influence of progesterone for 15 days, estrogen for 10 days, and mixed hormones for 5 days makes their lives more turbulent than men’s.

           The follicle grows in a woman’s ovary and takes the form of small balls. By the middle of the menstrual cycle, it reaches its maximum, and then these balls crack. Sometimes the follicle grows a little larger and forms a follicular cyst.

           Processes are controlled by the pituitary gland. Sometimes, when small nodules form in that gland, 200 grams of each of the chaste tree and trigonella seeds are mixed, 2 tablespoons of the mixture is brewed in 3 cups of water, then filtered and poured into a thermos. Drink a glass 3 times a day before meals. The treatment procedure lasts at least 3 months.

           The disease can sometimes be in the ovaries, not in the pituitary gland. The treatment also affects the ovaries. Mix 100 grams of each of sage, yarrow and wormwood just to regulate hormones. Brew a tablespoon of the mixture in a glass of water and take it 2 hours after meals. As the taste of both types of tea is bitter, you can add honey taste. Do not drink during menstruation.

           Sometimes infertility treatments are ineffective because the follicle maturation process continues and taking birth control pills to get positive results during treatment really gives better results.

           To rupture the follicles, mix 3 kg of dried figs with a liter of unrefined olive oil and eat a fig 3 times a day, an hour before meals.

           One of the most effective remedies when one of the pipes is blocked is to put a tampon with a desert-rod. Rub 15 grams of desert-rod, wrap in a bandage and inject into the uterus. The procedure should be done 2 hours every day for a month. Desert-rod is alkaline in nature and has a strong stimulating and anti-inflammatory effect on the uterus. It is strictly forbidden to drink it because it contains a lot of alkaloids.