Making olive oil at home

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Sometimes people need real pure olive oil. Homemade olive is considered the best quality olive oil since it is not refined.

How to make it:

First, olives are collected. Half-ripe olives are more suitable to be collected because they deseed more easily. About 1-2 kg of olives are collected and crushed with a wooden hammer. This way the fruit is deseeded. It would be better if you wear gloves while doing it because this process blackens hands. Then, the juice of the deseeded olives is extracted in a juice extracting machine. As a result, the olives are divided into two parts: juice and offal. Those parts are mixed and put into a rag bag. Next, it is closed and put into colander. A heavy flat stone or a piece of iron should be put on it in order to be squeezed well enough. Plastic bags should not be used while filtering. And a pan should be put under the colander and the filtered item should go into the pan. A day later, the content in the bag should be taken out spoon by spoon and put into a smaller bag and squeezed by hand. After that a funnel is taken and a piece of cotton is put inside it. The tip of the cotton is taken out of the bottom of the funnel. The juice extracted from the olives is slowly filtered. Pure olive oil accumulates on the surface of the filtered juice. The juice needs to be poured into a narrow container and the oil on the surface of it needs to be separated first with a spoon, and then with a syringe without a needle. Finally, the pure olive oil is ready.