Milk – from the store or the country?


Today, industrialization is so embedded in our lives that we cannot move away from it even if we wish to do so. Representatives of large firms on television, social networks and other media outlets promote the purchase of milk from stores. They claim that all sorts of milk other than milk sold in the store are a source of disease, and they are useless, etc. Please, read this article carefully as the research I write here is a study by scientists known all around the world. In the end you will decide for yourself which milk you should use.        

First of all,

I would say that many scientists are against drinking milk other than breast milk claiming that milk is hardly digested, and it causes flatulence, indigestion and anemia etc. Remember that these are all nothing but nonsense. Milk is one of the favors bestowed upon us by Allah. It is a very health-giving drink. Milk relaxes the body. It is indispensable in the formation of the bone system, and quite effective for the disease called osteoporosis (bone melting) and so on.

Our Prophet (Peace and Blessing be upon him) said about milk:

When one gives milk, take and drink it and say: “O Allah, increase the blessing of this favor”.

There are also verses about milk in our Noble Quran.

However, all of these refer to natural milk only since scientists have experimented with 900 cats giving half of them milk from the store and the other half natural milk. As a result, cats fed with market milk had osteoporosis (bone melting), and these cats had a very poor immune system, whereas those fed with natural milk became very healthy. It turned out that the calcium in store milk is absorbed very badly or not absorbed at all by our body. This is also due to the lack of other minerals in the milk for the absorption of calcium. For example, the absorption of calcium requires phosphorus in the amount of at least one third of the calcium. All these ratios are preserved in natural milk and are easily absorbed by our body. Milk from the stor is first pasteurized and then homogenized. What does it mean? Pasteurization is keeping the milk at hot temperature for several hours without boiling. But it isn’t what poses the problem. The milk is then compressed under high pressure. The purpose here is to keep the fat molecules from leaving the water. At this time, the fat molecule breaks down and mixes with water, and this is the point where the real problem arises. It means that we break the natural balance in our body. Considering that in spite of long-term storage of store milk, it does not go bad as chemical preservatives are added to it which is harmful to humans. The above mentioned points do no not refer to only store milk itself, but also to all the things that are made from that type of milk such as yogurt, dovgha,[1] cottage cheese etc.

Don’t forget to feed your kids with natural country milk. Use yogurt, cottage cheese, kefir and dovgha made from natural country milk only. Only then will the body absorb calcium. Ladies who suffer from menopause lose a lot of calcium and have strong perspiration at that time. In that period the most effective food for them are natural milk products. Although the USA is the most milk-consuming country in the world, it is also a place where bone marrow diseases are the most largely spread. Having discovered the source of these diseases, they have already begun to use natural milk rather than industrialized milk and have established natural milk farms for this purpose. In conclusion, each milk factory has its own farms. Cows on the farm are kept indoors and feed mainly on genetically modified foods. All this affects the quality of milk. But the natural country milk is derived from cows that have eaten a number of herbs in nature and produced rich healthy milk, as they say, both useful and healthy.

[1] Azerbaijani soup made from Caucasian milk, different herbs and so on. (translator)