Natural remedies for liver obesity

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I decided to write about liver obesity in particular because one in four people already suffer from this disease.

           There is no adipose tissue in the liver, and as a result of overeating and metabolic delays, first only the liver begins to become fat, adipose tissue accumulates in the abdomen, and then the liver slowly compresses, fat accumulates in its cells, and symptoms appear. First flatulence occurs after eating, followed by sickness, vomiting in some cases, pain in the right subcostal area, and cirrhosis of the liver.

           Everyone should pay attention to the food they eat and the energy they spend! Someone who eats 5 meals in one sitting should also do the work of 5 people so that the liver does not become obese.

           Normally, a person should make it a habit to be active and walk outdoors.

           Alcohol and smoking are the first enemies of the liver.

           Excessive use of chemical drugs, mainly antipyretics and painkillers, aggravates the disease. Taking too many antibiotics sometimes develops fungi in the gastrointestinal tract forcing the liver to clear the toxins secreted by these fungi.

           Obese liver cells break down over time and are replaced by connective tissue. Then there is fibrosis, the liver slowly begins to fail and moves towards cirrhosis, which is very dangerous. Cirrhosis is an incurable liver disease that results in organ failure.

What to do if you have liver obesity?

1.     Cigarettes and alcohol should be eliminated from the daily diet; fatty foods, white bread, chemicals and refined foods should be reduced;

2.     You should walk briskly in the open air for 2 hours every day, drink plenty of water, use less tea and coffee, do not eat unless you are hungry, leave the table before you get full and eat plenty of greens;

3.     Use olive oil and pure butter, and eat fresh salads half an hour before meals.


           Mix a tablespoon of honey, a tablespoon of apple vinegar and a pinch of ginger in a glass of raw water and drink twice a day before meals.

  • Ginger – 100 grams
  • Lady’s milk seeds – 100 grams
  • Yellow ginger – 100 grams
  • Olive leaves – 100 grams
  • Immortelle – 100 grams

           Mix these herbs, infuse 2 tablespoons of the mixture in 3 glasses of water, then strain and pour into a thermos and drink a glass 3 times a day before meals.

           In addition, replace ordinary black tea with green tea, alternate the juices of pumpkin, carrot, celery and parsley and drink 2 glasses a day. One of the juices that is good for the liver is prepared as follows: after the wheat sprouts, the green part is cut and poured into a glass, water is added to it and mixed with a blender, and 2 glasses of the juice are drunk every day before meals.

           To avoid complications and diabetes, it is necessary to drink a tablespoon of “Elixir of Health” made of olive fruit, olive leaves, apple vinegar, trigonella, cumin and blueberries 3 times a day before meals.

           In order to prevent the destruction of liver tissue, hepatoprotective, i.e. teas from plants that restore the liver should be brewed and drunk at all times. These herbs are: Aquilaria Agallocha, black cumin, yellow ginger, lady’s milk, juniper root, licorice root, horse sorrel, fumitory, immortelle, artichoke fruit, ginger, celandine, cinnamon, green tea and trigonella.