Shall we eat meat or not?

Ət yemək lazımdırmı?
“And we will provide them with fruit and meat from what whatever they desire”
Surah Tur, Verse 22

         Today a unique campaign has started against meat throughout the world. Even some people of knowledge proudly say that they do not eat meat and make a wide propaganda against it. However, they all “eat” meat in some way or another, and I am going to prove it below. 

Our beloved Prophet (Peace and Blessing be upon him) said about meat:

“Meat is one of the most delicious types of food in this world and in the Hereafter.”

         Building blocks of the human body are amino acids. Amino acids take part in renewing dead cells and forming new cells in our bodies. Amino acids derive from proteins. It means our organism is in dire need for proteins, and the main source of proteins is meat. Meat is the most nutritious type of food for the body. You can argue that plants, especially nuts contain proteins, too. But proteins in plants do not break down as completely as the ones in animals. If one does not eat meat for a long time and take the required proteins from plants, he/she will soon have swellings, and the reason for this is that plant proteins do not break down completely and they cannot be absorbed properly. 

         Besides, meat contains minerals like iron, zinc, phosphorus, calium, calcium and so on. Plants also contain those minerals; however, they are not able to be absorbed like meat due to co-existing fibers.

The benefits of red meat

         Today the biggest anti-promotion is carried out against red meat; that is beef and mutton. If one does not eat red meat, he/she will have bad muscle contractions. And it will result in the sudden flow of the blood with high pressure to the brain which in turn will eventually cause the death of brain cells. Let me introduce you the results of recent researches: animal oils regulates blood circulation in the human brain.

         96% of fat and 95% of proteins inside of meat are gradually absorbed by the human body. As meat is digested and absorbed slowly, we feel full for a long time after eating it.

         As everything has its own norm, excessive consumption of meat also causes harm. Meat does not have fiber inside because of which excessive consumers of meat often have constipation, and they are also inclined to diabetes and high blood pressure. The best diet is to eat whatever Allah has blessed us with moderately.