The useful plant – lettuce


Probably everyone knows the plant called lettuce. But there are people who do not like and do not eat it. Lettuce is a very useful plant, I will write extensively about its benefits and proper use.

           Lettuce can be easily grown in almost all regions of the country. I plant it in my yard in Baku; it grows very well and can be used all summer and autumn. Lettuce is very rich in iron, so it is very useful in anemia, dizziness and malnutrition; it also prevents hair loss. Potassium in lettuce strengthens the heart muscle, and it is useful in shortness of breath, lack of oxygen in the heart and heart palpitations.

           Eat lettuce once a day. You will sleep well if you eat it in the evening. Lettuce calms the nerves and deepens sleep. Lettuce, when eaten every day, activates the intestines, prevents constipation, and it is very useful for those with hemorrhoid. Lettuce creates new blood because it contains vitamin K. In addition, lettuce is rich in vitamin A, which makes the skin radiant, has a rejuvenating effect on the skin and brightens the eyes. You can also use lettuce during pregnancy. Lettuce is rich in minerals and vitamins, which are useful for the health of the unborn child.

           Lettuce also contains a lot of vitamin C, which is the most needed vitamin in our body. This plant is rich in antioxidants that protect against cancer. It is also rich in omega-3, which is very useful for growing children. Lettuce should be widely used by those who want to lose weight, as it softens the intestines, protects the body from toxins, and lettuce with olive oil poured on it before eating weakens the appetite.

           Lettuce significantly increases breast milk; it is a useful food for women who suffer from osteoporosis and menopause due to its calcium content. Just as excessive use of any blessing is harmful, one should not eat too much lettuce. Thus, overuse can lead to blood clots and decreased sexual desire. You can mix lettuce in different salads, add olive oil to it and eat it; for example, you can mix tomatoes, cucumbers, coriander, cheese, lettuce, dill and olive oil and make a salad.          

I like to eat lettuce dipped in plum bakmaz or narsharab.[4] Since lettuce is a perishable plant, you ought to use it on the day you get it.