This mixture is for those who have a problem with the heart

Ürək problemi

There can be many heart problems, but if you have the symptoms I have listed below, then you can use this mixture. This mixture dilutes blood and dilates blood vessels because it removes excess fat globules inside the arteries, restores blood circulation and lowers blood pressure. If you cannot walk for a long time, if you have pain in the heart or left arm, if you have high blood pressure, if you have a heart attack, if you suffer from high cholesterol, if you have a blood clot in the heart (up to 90 percent), if you suffer from obesity, then you can prepare and use this mixture.

What you need:

  • Local lemon – 3 kg
  • Local garlic – 1 kg
  • Fresh ginger – 1 kg

First, peel the garlic, then peel the ginger, and half-peel the lemon and pass all of them through a meat grinder together, then mix well and put in the refrigerator (not in the freezer). Wait for 15 days. After 15 days, squeeze it in 2-3 layers of gauze and filter provided that it is mixed twice a day. Drink the juice is by mixing 1-2 tablespoons with a glass of water 3 times a day before meals. This mixture is also a very powerful source of antioxidants and a source of vitamin C on a vitamin-rich basis. It also lifts the spirit,. This mixture should not be used by people with rashes and sores on the stomach and joints. Not recommended to use when the blood pressure is low. If you want to use it, you can use mix it with honey. Those with low heart rate (bradycardia) can use a teaspoon of honey in each glass of this mixture. The mixture is an excellent tool for alkalizing the body. Remember that this mixture is also useful in cerebral circulatory disorders and migraines.

           One patient once said that he prepared and drank this mixture, and in the end, this drink surprised him and even changed his life. According to him, he suffered from mouth sores for more than 10 years and did not enjoy the food he ate or the water he drank. After drinking this mixture, the wounds completely healed.