Unique benefits of Caspian sand

dəniz qumu

What makes me write this article is that our citizens go to other countries to rest at sea. If people knew the benefits of the sand of the Caspian Sea, they would not go anywhere. The sand of the Caspian Sea consists of golden-red quartz sand. What does it mean? If we compare the sand of the Caspian Sea with the sands of the coasts of neighboring Russia, Georgia and Turkey, we see that the grains of sand on the shores of the Caspian Sea are very small and have strong hygroscopic properties, i.e. the ability to absorb water. Quartz sand comes into almost full contact with the skin, covers the entire surface of the skin, easily transmits the accumulated solar energy into our body, accelerates subcutaneous metabolism, dilates subcutaneous capillaries, thereby causes healing of all inflammatory diseases (rheumatism, arthritis, neuritis, etc.), eliminates stagnation in the lymphatic vessels, myositis (often pains in the back), and then forces our body to sweat due to its hygroscopic properties. It absorbs the waste of our body. You will not find these features in the sand of any sea except the Caspian sand. Take the sand of the Caspian Sea in your hands, rub it on your face, arms and legs in a wet state, your skin will be revitalized and smoothed, that is, it will be naturally peeled. This method is also an excellent tool for the treatment of cellulite. This is a feature of the Caspian sand only.

         I am sure that you will spend the next summer on the shores of the Caspian Sea for the sake of your health.


A person who has the opportunity should get used to walking on the beach until 12 in the morning and after 6 in the evening. Try to also take your children often. There are many differences between coastal air and city air. Sea air is quite rich in oxygen, magnesium, iodine, bromine, sodium, potassium, calcium, etc. When we take a deep breath, they enter our lungs, accelerate the oxidation-reduction process (that’s why we get hungry very quickly at the seaside), and increase the body’s viability. Both the air and the sand of the Caspian Sea meet the need for vitamin D, which is the best way to prevent rickets.

         Red quartz sand in Alat and Pirshagi,[1] which is in the Red Book, is more useful for health.

[1] Districts around Baku