What to do when our heart is beating fast?

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As we grow older, we begin to have more problems with our hearts, especially with rapid heartbeats, high blood pressure, and palpitations. All this causes the heart muscle to weaken and the heart to loosen. For this reason, I want to remind you of a very useful plant that can be used regularly.

           Infusion of hawthorn fruit lowers blood pressure, increases the heart rate and reduces the heart’s need for oxygen and heart rate. Also remember that the rich content of vitamins and minerals in hawthorn increases the body’s resistance to disease and strengthens the immune system. Hawthorn is a blood thinner; especially people who have had a stand put on their heart vessels can use it for a long time as both a blood thinner and a blood pressure reliever. From the end of October, hawthorn begins to ripen, and even sold in kilograms in almost all markets. You can buy 3-5 kilograms of hawthorn and make vinegar. It is made in the same way as grape or apple vinegar. A tablespoon of hawthorn vinegar should be mixed with a glass of water and drunk twice a day 2 hours after meals. It can be taken for a long time as there are no side effects. Only patients with stomach problems should be careful or mix a teaspoon in a glass of water and drink 3 times a day 2 hours after meals. Hawthorn infusion is also a very good sedative. In the end, I have to remind that the therapeutic hawthorn is black hawthorn.