Angina – a natural remedy

Angina nədir Anginanın təbii çarəsi

Considering that angina is one of the most common diseases of the throat, then the prescription I will give is just the thing. Back in the time of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), swollen throats were treated by pressing on them. Since this method causes serious complications such as bleeding, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) forbade it and advised to treat sore throat with Aquilaria Agallocha.

One tablespoon of Aquilaria Agallocha powder is mixed with 3 tablespoons of honey and the mixture is applied to the throat and tonsils 4-5 times a day. It is a perfect prescription. It shows its effect even in one day. However, it is recommended to use for 4-5 days. When using it on children, the amount of Aquilaria Agallocha should be slightly reduced.

Aquilaria Agallocha oil is also very useful in the treatment of angina. This oil should be poured 3 times a day, 3-4 drops at a time into each nostril, while lying on the back so that the oil reaches the throat. This treatment can be continued for up to 1 month.