Bad breath – causes and remedies

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Bad breath is a problem that affects one in five people in the world. In some cases, this is so disturbing that such people even suffer from nervous disorders. What to look for when you have bad breath and where to look for the cause?

           It is necessary to start with the oral cavity first; rotten teeth, teeth with metal-ceramic lids, and most often such lids can cause bad breath when loosened. Decreased saliva production also causes odor. In people who drink a small amount of raw water, saliva production decreases over a long period of time creating good conditions for bacteria to multiply in the mouth. Therefore, drinking at least 2 liters of raw water a day has an effect on bad breath.

           Second: If there is no problem in the mouth, the tonsils should be examined. Sometimes swollen tonsils become infected and cause bad breath. In this case, you can rinse with sage, eucalyptus, oak bark, Teasept tea infusion or Stomanginol solution.

           Third: If you have gastritis in the stomach or esophagitis in the esophagus, it also causes a bad odor. Thus, at this time, the sphincter of the entrance to the stomach is often left open, and the smell of gastric contents begins to come from the mouth. In such cases, bacteria such as Helicobacter pylori multiply in the stomach. In this case, Teastomin tea, Fito Oil sea-buckthorn oil and 20% propolis solution should be drunk before meals. After a month, it is good to drink a teaspoon of black cumin oil 3 times a day before meals. The duration of treatment is one month.

           Fourth: There may be odors from the lungs. Especially after eating onions, garlic, cheese, fish, stale food etc., the mouth can smell because the smell of such food evaporates from the lungs and can smell through breath. This condition is more likely to be caused by food and does not require any treatment.

What to do to prevent bad breath?

           The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) advised people with bad breath to eat onions. Normally, after eating onions, the mouth smells bad, but this is temporary. Onions contain very strong bactericidal substances, so they are very useful both for the oral cavity and for gullet. After a meal, you can put cloves in your mouth or chew parsley, use tea or ground powder of seeds such as anise and cumin.

           Put fresh mint leaves in lemon juice, pass through a blender and drink half a glass after meals. It is very effective. Get in the habit of rinsing your mouth with water after eating. It cleans food crumbs, prevents odor, and it is also sunnah[16]. Eating apples before and after meals removes bad breath. Eat quince before going to bed; it is both sunnah and a kind of mouthwash. Chew fresh mallow leaves, swallow their juice and spit out its remnants; mallow both heals mouth sores and removes bad breath. Drink 2 glasses of Caucasian kefir a day; kefir reduces heartburn and destroys disease-causing bacteria. If you can’t find kefir, you can also use fresh Caucasian yogurt. Bad habits, such as alcohol and smoking, can also cause bad breath.

           Once, a young man in his mid-30s complained of bad breath, and I asked him about the condition of his teeth, then his mouth, then his stomach, and then if he had any lung disease. I did a thorough examination and found out that everything was normal, but there was a terrible smell in his mouth. The stench was so strong that the young man was thinking of killing himself. I started asking again, and it turned out that food had no effect on bad breath, so we came up with the gastrointestinal option because his lungs were very clean, so we came up with the idea that the problem was somewhere above his throat. Holding my breath, I sniffed the patient’s mouth again; it smelled as if it was rotten meat. It was a really sad situation. Almost 90 percent of the reason was clear to me – the young man had trash left in his throat. I advised him to go to the trash remover (“chopchu”), he laughed, “Am I a little kid?” he said, and then I said that I had seen it many times in adults as well. He agreed and left, and in less than 3-4 days he came to me again with great joy, thanked me from the bottom of his heart, and said that a piece of rotten meat had come out of his mouth that had made the trash remover throw up. He said he was fine now and there was no smell or anything.