Chaste tree (Women’s herb)

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A shrub known as chaste tree is planted for decorative purposes in all parts of Baku. Its seeds are used for medicinal purposes. Chaste tree infusion reduces sexual desire in men and has the opposite effect on women. We can feel safe to say that the chaste tree is really a women’s herb. It is used in almost all gynecological diseases. In case of menstrual disorders, follicle immaturity and increased prolactin enzyme, the intake of its tea normalizes menstruation, ensures the maturation and rupture of the follicle and lowers elevated prolactin levels. It should be noted that when prolactin rises, women experience severe headaches, the flow of milk from the mammary glands and miscarriage.

           Drink chaste tree tea for 3-5 months to dissolve tumors and cysts in the pituitary gland. The chaste tree tea delays the onset of the climacteric period and weakens its symptoms. It is an effective tool for the dissolution of nodules and cysts in the mammary glands, as well as cysts in uterus. Patients with mastopathy are advised to drink apricot tea 3-4 times a day. Chaste tree increases the production of the hormone progesterone, thereby preventing female infertility. Since chaste tree increases the synthesis of dopamine in the brain, it is used successfully in the treatment of Parkinson’s disease, which is caused by a decrease in the production of dopamine.

           In general, even if one has none of the problems I mentioned aobve, every woman will feel healthy and and will not suffer from the above-mentioned diseases if she drinks tea every month for a week. Drinking chaste tree tea reduces the risk of future genital cancer.

           A teaspoon of chaste tree kernels should be brewed in a glass of water for 10 minutes and drunk three times a day for half an hour before meals. It is better to crush the seeds in a mortar before brewing. Chaste tree tea should not be drunk during menstruation and pregnancy.