Beware of what you share


Dear friends, in our free time we all want to be aware of the world and the events that people find interesting and useful by looking at the posts of our friends on social networks. But the content of almost half of the posts are the photos of people which are taken while eating at a restaurant or sitting in an expensive car or in the most beautiful places in the world. Dear friends, do these posts benefit the people who share them, or do we want to show off to the poor, the oppressed and the orphans with this type of posts?! Let’s not forget that when people who can’t eat those foods look at those pictures, both we and our family will suffer from their jealous looks. If we want our family, our children to be happy and healthy, we must stay away from such posts. Our Prophet (Peace and Bless be upon him) conveyed to us in several hadeeths that the evil eye is true. It must be our duty to protect our children and our families from the eyes full of jealousy, envy and evil. In my opinion, let our friends not be offended, such posts are a sign of avidity and they try to justify their arrogance by publicly demonstrating what they have. Let’s not forget that those who have arrogance in their hearts even in size of a grain will not even smell the fragrance of Paradise. Once I was at a party. As we were about to start eating, and one of the guests took a picture of us. I didn’t pay much attention to it at first, but 5 minutes later, that person said that the photo was already on Instagram. I demanded that either the picture be removed or I would not sit in that company. Therefore, the man deleted the picture, so we continued the party.