Black cumin is a remedy for every affliction except death

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I want to divide my article about this amazing plant into 3 parts so as not to be tiring. First of all, I will give information about the effects of black cumin on the general body and in the second and third articles on the individual organs and the rules of use.

           The Prophet (Peace and Blessing of Allah be upon him) took black cumin seeds and said that these seeds were a remedy for every affliction except death. Despite the fact that more than 1,400 years have passed since these words were uttered, the annual research on black cumin proves the truth of these words as more than 650 scientific studies have been conducted on black cumin and its beneficial effects have been proven.

The effect of black cumin on the body

           The human body’s defense system is made up of helper cells in the back, killer cells that destroy enemies that enter our body, and suppressor cells that neutralize killer cells. This means that when a microbe, virus or bacterium enters our body, the helpers at the back produce killer cells, and these killers attack to destroy the enemies that have entered the body. At this point, the body’s temperature begins to rise, and after the body repels this enemy, the activated killer cells begin to attack and damage our own tissues. In this case, the helpers in the back produce suppressor cells to neutralize the killer cells, thus protecting our body from external enemies.

           It has been proven that people who take black cumin always have plenty of helper cells in the back, and they can win all the fights. In other words, black cumin is the most effective tool for the perfection of our immune system. Black cumin also increases our body’s resistance to allergic diseases, has a very strong antioxidant effect and has been proven to be hundreds of times stronger than modern anti-tumor drugs.

The benefits of black cumin

           Black cumin contains a substance called timoquinone which is useful in diseases such as prostate cancer, uterine, intestinal and pancreatic cancer. Blood pressure does not rise above normal in those who regularly use black cumin. Its intake normalizes blood pressure in patients with hypertension, lowers high blood cholesterol, as well as reduces epileptic seizures by up to 3 times. When black cumin is used both internally and externally, for example, when you drink the oil 3 times a day and massage the scalp, the hair becomes thicker, gray hair slowly begins to darken and itching and dandruff on the scalp disappears. During migraine, black cumin oil is taken, applied to the base of the ears and inside the nose and massaged and taken orally at the same time.

           Since black cumin is a very powerful antioxidant, drinking a teaspoon of oil before meals has a slimming effect. In highmoritis and frontitis, dip a piece of cotton in black cumin oil and place in the nostrils. At the same time, boil a tablespoon of oil in a glass of water, cover your head with a towel and get steamed.

How to use black cumin?

           It is better to grind 200 grams of black cumin and mix it with 1 kg of honey and eat a teaspoon 3 times a day before meals. This method is the most effective way to use black cumin. Another method:, put a teaspoon of ground seeds in your mouth and drink water over it 3 times a day. Drink a teaspoon of black cumin oil 3 times a day before meals. This is also a very useful method, and it also cleanses the body of worms. But the oil does not contain the full content of black cumin.

Another method:

Grind black cumin, mix a teaspoon of ground seeds with a cup of boiling water, and after cooling, add a teaspoon of honey and drink 3 times a day before meals.

           Another method: infuse a teaspoon of black cumin in a cup of water for 20 minutes and drink it before meals.

           Black cumin should not be used during pregnancy.