Fasting is a blessing


Fasting is truly a blessing for man. Although we write about the benefits of fasting from time to time, in this article I will write about how a person who fasts stays young and healthy.

Our Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Fast and be healthy” or “Fasting is health.”

          It is known that during fasting, our body cells cannot be fully nourished and begin to search for food. First, the fluid around the cell is cleansed, and then the excess fat, lipids, cholesterol, etc., which have accumulated in the main vessels and capillaries, slowly dissolve, break down and feed the cells.

           In addition, during days of fasting, weak, old and diseased cells become nonresistant and die, and these cells are assimilated by healthy cells as food. Let’s not forget that weak, diseased cells themselves divide and increase the number of diseased cells, thus laying the foundation for tumor (i.e. cancer) cells that require independence from our body.

           Thus, fasting also protects us from cancer. Since sick cells cause a person to age faster, it is possible for us to stay younger by fasting, because sick cells are replaced by new, young and healthy cells formed from stem cells.

           I would like to emphasize once again that you should not fast because of the health benefits that I mention in articles, but fast as a submission to the command of Allah. May Allah accept it from you!