Five-floor buildings gradually destroying our lives

Probably, all of us have been to the 5-storey buildings in Baku, to be more precise, to the apartment buildings we know as “French” and “Khrushchev”. Not only when you enter these buildings, but even when you pass by them, you smell damp and humidity. As soon as you walk through the block, it smells even worse. Now I am gradually realizing how this moisture poisons our children and kills them without us noticing it. Actually, the basements of most of these buildings are filled with water which is accumulated after the breakdown of obsolete sewer pipes. The water in the basement does not flow and always remains stable which makes an excellent environment for the growth of mosquitoes and flies. If you have ever noticed, all the lobbies of the five-floor buildings are full of mosquitoes and they fill the apartments as soon as you open the door. Mosquitoes and flies are always carriers of diseases. The water in the basement keeps the building moist, and mold fungi grow in wet places.

Mold fungi are much more harmful than mosquitoes because man is constantly in contact with these fungi. They are thousands of times more than normal on every side of the building, even in the beds we sleep. If these fungi are numerous around us, they will multiply inside us, pass through the nostrils and cause rhinitis (inflammation of the nasal passages), and if left untreated, can lead to respiratory infections, bronchitis, tuberculosis, pharyngitis, asthma and bronchitis. These are only those that are inhaled, whereas fungi that multiply in the gastrointestinal tract through food are more dangerous. Thus, fungi that multiply in the intestines secrete toxins (poisons) from themselves, and the liver is constantly forced to remove these toxins from the body. Eventually, the liver slowly begins to weaken to the extent that the immune system goes down, and our body becomes an open door for other diseases. In such people, first frequent flatulence, and then a burning sensation inside, and over time, fatigue, weakness, and joint pain begin to appear. We only wrote about the complications caused by fungi. Let’s not forget that microbes, bacteria and viruses are thousands of times higher than normal in humid places. For example, it is safe to say that one in three people living in humidity has rheumatism.

           Those living in a damp accommodation should use plenty of apple vinegar, honey, garlic and onions. Chopping up 2 cloves of garlic into 4-5 pieces, swallowing them and drinking a glass of milk over them every evening eliminates almost all the complications of humidity.

           Dear reader, unfortunately, this situation continues, but we are still painting the face of the five-floor buildings. Let’s not go far, and take our neighbor Georgia as an example. There is nothing left of five-floor buildings in Tbilisi any more. All of them have been demolished and modern buildings have been built instead. As one engineer said, these five-floor buildings in Baku are about to live up their second life (i.e. buildings built for 35 years of use have been in operation for 60-70 years). Our citizens, who have to live in such buildings, try to change the air in the rooms often, try to be outdoors a lot, force those who are in charge of the building to take action on the water in the basement.