Osteochondrosis of the neck

Boyun osteoxondrozu

The rapid development of science and technology, people’s laziness, reduced mobility, and hours of computer time have led to an increase in the number of diseases, especially cervical osteochondrosis.

           Because the brain is the organ that controls the body, the weakening of its blood circulation as a result of osteochondrosis disrupts the functioning of the whole body. The more severe the osteochondrosis is, the more symptoms of cerebrovascular disorders, such as dizziness, pain, numbness, occur. Sometimes dizziness reaches such a level that the patient cannot walk straight and the headache lasts all day. As a result of exacerbation of osteochondrosis of the neck, numbness increases throughout the body, especially in the legs and arms.

           Osteochondrosis of the neck is a serious disease that is difficult to treat. Various herbal remedies give temporary results. During the disease, the cartilage between the vertebrae is completely destroyed, the bone surfaces of the vertebrae are damaged by touching each other, and all the complications begin after that.

           Several natural methods are used to treat osteochondrosis of the neck. First of all, apply hijama of 3 cups on the head, 2 on the neck and 5 on the spine. After 10 days, apply 10 leeches a week which makes a total of 50 leeches. In the 1st week, put 10 leeches along the neck, in the 2nd week, put 10 leeches between the neck and the back, in the 3rd week, 10 leeches on the back, in the 4th week, 10 leeches on the neck. Before applying leeches, it is necessary to pay attention to the general analysis of blood and blood clotting. If the hemoglobin in the blood is low, it should be increased. But if the blood is thin, then either no leeches or no more than 4-5 leeches a week should be applied.

           Along with the treatment, mix 2 tablespoons of viscid albi herba and sophora together and infuse 2 tablespoons of them in a thermos containing 3 glasses of water, and drink one glass 3 times a day before meals for 2 months.

           The treatment procedure is repeated every 4 months. Another effective treatment for cervical osteochondrosis is to pass fresh juniper roots through a meat grinder and tie them around the neck. It is effective to apply juniper root only 10 times every 2 days.