Psoriasis – herbal treatment


Although psoriasis is a disease for which there is no cure, patients should not feel helpless and hopeless. If you follow the advice I give correctly, the symptoms of the disease will weaken, will not manifest itself for a long time, or will be in a very mild form.

Although psoriasis occurs on the skin of the elbows, knees, head, back, and sometimes the abdomen, psoriasis is not only skin pathology, but a disease of the whole body. Therefore, in addition to skin treatment, treatment of internal organs should be carried out. Psoriasis patients should completely avoid white bread, canned goods, alcohol and smoking, reduce meat intake in their diet, and prefer to eat vegetables raw or in the form of salads. Nervousness and stress exacerbate the disease. To calm the nerves, it is necessary to drink the infusion of St.-John’s wort for a long time. The treatment of the disease should begin with the liver. The paste for the liver is prepared as follows:

  • Lady’s milk – 50 grams
  • Black cumin – 30 grams
  • Aquilaria Agallocha – 30 grams
  • Yellow ginger – 50 grams
  • Ginger – 30 grams
  • Celandine – 30 grams
  • Honey – 1.2 kg

Eating a teaspoon of paste 3 times a day before meals increases the enzymatic activity of the liver. When the paste is bitter or dry, the amount of added honey can be increased up to 1.5 kg.

Normal intestinal microflora is very important in psoriasis. The ideal remedy for this is Caucasian kefir. It is necessary to drink a glass of kefir twice a day, at noon and in the evening, during meals, with a break of 10 days each month. When kefir is made at home from fresh cow’s milk, its probiotic content becomes even richer.

During psoriasis, fasting should be done twice a week because hunger reduces the activity of the disease. Ordinary raw water should be used instead of tea, coffee or carbonated drinks. People with psoriasis should put a high pillow under their head when sleeping since sleeping with the head down makes the disease worse.

There is an ointment I have prepared for psoriasis that significantly reduces rashes. Let me write down the composition of this ointment for you to know: Naftalan oil (refined), juniper resin, lanolin, celandine, Aquilaria Agallocha, tickseed, calendula and aqueous extracts of olive leaves and refined solid oil. It is better to apply natural apple vinegar on the rash 2 hours before applying this ointment.

Naftalan oil is a blessing given to us by Allah, and it is effective for patients with psoriasis to take Naftalan baths. Psoriasis patients should have hijama applied every 3 months and it is very useful to receive leech treatment every 6 months.