Rash on the face – demodex ticks

demodeks gənələri

Demodex is a regular tick, mainly when the face is parasitized, the face skin rashes, becomes red and swollen, and as the disease progresses, the skin becomes rough. Its treatment sometimes takes years, and costs a fortune. Parasites are infectious; they multiply more rapidly in immunocompromised individuals, and have more severe complications. (Remember that ticks cannot multiply when people with normal immunity are infected with demodex).

During treatment, for example, when applying various masks on the face, ticks penetrate to the lower layers of the skin. After washing the face mask or medication, it becomes active again and the treatment lasts for years. Demodex ticks can be treated in a very simple way.

Garlic is crushed or grated and its juice is applied 2-3 times a day. It should be prepared in the evening and stored until the morning, applied in the morning and kept until the evening, and if this is not possible, it should be applied once a day. The treatment procedure cleanses the entire face for about 2 months.