Reasons not to eat “delicious” chips

çipsin zərərləri

Hundreds of children become victims of injustice every day in the world today, but we are putting our children at risk with our own hands by destroying their immune system and leaving them to struggle in this life.

         In the past, our parents used to pour useful sweets such as dried apricots, cherries and figs into the pockets of children and send them to school, but now everyone knows what children eat and what they do not.

         Trans fats are used in the preparation of chips and other synthetic desserts. What do trans fats mean? Trans fats are mainly obtained from petroleum products. Sweets, cakes, chips look more attractive when cooked with this oil, and the price is cheaper.

         Please note that the use of these oils is already banned in Europe. These fats are not completely broken down in the human body and they block the blood vessels and prevent the normal movement of blood. Regular consumption of these oils causes headaches, weakness and sickness and, most importantly, causes children to lag behind their peers. Trans fats accumulate in the walls of blood vessels, and in the end, such people are more susceptible to diseases such as heart attack, stroke, atherosclerosis. Such fats also get stuck between the intestinal piles, disrupting the intestinal filtering ability and thus destroying the immune system. In addition, glutamates are used to artificially flavor chips. These substances are addictive, change the taste in the mouth, and other foods feel tasteless to such people (that is, the child does not like any food cooked by the mother at home).         In short, we are ruining the lives of our own children.