Remedy for pancreatic diseases

Mədəaltı vəzi pankreatit

Pancreas, as its name implies, is an organ located under the stomach and weighs up to 100 grams. Despite being 100 grams, it can handle a lot of work. The pancreas secretes special substances to break down fats, proteins and carbohydrates.

           Substances produced by the pancreas are poured into the bile duct and, when mixed with bile juice, participate in digestion. For this reason, when there is a problem with the pancreas, the condition of the gallbladder and bile ducts should be considered first. When the bile ducts are blocked with stones, neither the bile nor the pancreatic juice can flow into the duodenum, and the juice burns the pancreas itself, resulting in inflammation of the pancreas which is known as pancreatitis.

           Treatment should begin with cleansing of the bile and bile ducts. When pancreatitis occurs, there is severe abdominal pain in the lower part of the stomach, and flatulence, pain and sickness after eating. The temperature may rise and weight loss and blood pressure drop occur.

What to do at this time?

First of all, alcohol and smoking should be stopped, and easily digestible foods should be preferred. The best treatment for acute pancreatitis is fasting because when the stomach is empty, the pancreas does not secrete juice, it relaxes, which accelerates the regeneration of burned tissue, i.e. the recovery process. There are many herbs that prevent inflammation of the pancreas and increase its ability to regenerate.

1.     Inulin-rich plants such as greater burdock, juniper roots, Aquilaria Agallocha and dandelion roots are used. Mix 100 grams of each of the plant roots, brew 2 tablespoons of the mixture in 3 glasses of water, filter, pour into a thermos and drink a glass 3 times a day half an hour before meals.

2.     Take 100 grams of yarrow, calendula and immortelle, then take a dessert spoon (medium tablespoon) and brew in 3 glasses of water and drink a glass 3 times a day 50 minutes before meals.

3.     Break 3 walnuts, cut them by hand about the size of a pea, infuse a tablespoon of oatmeal seeds in 200 grams of water for 20 minutes and drink 3 times a day on an empty stomach.

           Those with pancreatitis should avoid regular black tea, drink green tea, and add a pinch of ginger powder to the tea each time.

           In some cases, pancreatitis can occur during the application of the “ERCP method” used in the treatment of gallstones, which must be used by a very skilled specialist.

           Drink plenty of raw water and remove fatty and fried foods from your diet.