The benefits of dates (third article)

xurmanın faydaları

Date fruit itself, as well as its seeds and pollen, are the cure for many ailments. I would like to inform you about the diseases for which dates should be eaten and harms which dates can cause.

           Due to the high content of magnesium in dates, it is useful during convulsions.

           Due to the fact that dates contain 2.5 times more potassium than bananas, it prevents spasms and arrhythmias caused by heart muscle weakness.

           As dates are a rich source of calcium, they should be included in the daily diet of growing children and the elderly. It is an indispensable food against osteoporosis.

           Dates strengthen the gums; since they contain a lot of natural fructose, they give energy to the body and increase immunity.

           Dates contain vitamins B1 and B2, which are useful for diseases of the nerves and liver. Eating dates every day on an empty stomach increases the enzymatic activity of the stomach and intestines.

           As dates are rich in zinc and phosphorus, they are indispensable in the treatment of infertility.

           Dates contain large amounts of vitamin A, which should always be used for weak eyesight.

           Dates are very useful for people with internal bleeding because they stop the bleeding quickly.

           The date eliminates vascular calcification and lowers high blood cholesterol.

           The date strengthens all the muscles, even the gastrointestinal muscles, so it is useful for those who have a gastroptosis.

           In case o eating dates in the morning on an empty stomach, they shed intestinal worms.

           The most useful food for a fasting person during iftar[2] and imsak[3] is dates.

           Bakmaz made from dates is very tasty, and it is very useful for all these diseases I mentioned above, as well as for coughs, pulmonary tuberculosis and bronchitis. Date bakmaz can also be eaten for breakfast.


During all these problems, some people may overeat dates. Beware of eating too many dates. Too much consumption of this fruit can cause constipation, headaches and sickness. Patients with fever should not be fed with too many dates, either. If you eat a lot of dates, you should eat cucumber, melon, watermelon or drink apple vinegar right after.