The mixture of honey, vinegar and water

Alma Sirkə Su

Regardless how long I enumerate, the cures that this syrup causes won’t end. Vinegar and honey used to be the main dishes of prophets. They both contain everything we need for our bodies. The mixture of apple vinegar, honey and water is so rich in minerals and vitamins that it is possible to treat almost all the illnesses found in man simply by changing the ratio of contents in the mixture.

For the diseases of the oral cavity

  • A tablespoon of apple vinegar,
  • A teaspoon of honey,
  • A half glass of warm water.
  • Brings back your gone voice after gargling your throat.
  • A teaspoon of apple vinegar
  • A teaspoon of honey
  • A glass of unboiled water

If prepared the night before, drink it in the morning on enpty stomach. If prepared in the morning drink in the evening.

We do it this way because several hours after the honey syrup is prepared, the molecules inside it line up hormonically and they become more beneficial for the body.


The mixture of a teaspoon of honey with a glass of water has the same thickness as the human blood plasma.

It covers the need of the body for all minerals, in particular, calcium, calium, magnesium, zinc, iron, copper etc. Scarcity of the mentioned minerals brings about hundreds of diseases.

If you have flatulence, microflora disorder and fungus, the best solution to them is to drink the mixture mentioned above for 3 months. Anti-oxidants that both of them contain do not only protect the organism from obesity, but also burn them. Because antioxidants accelerate burning (oxidation) process. For this, you need to drink this mixture for 5 months.

With regular use of the syrup, the wall of the stomach and esophagus becomes very resistant to external factors. It can be used for liver diseases as well. It increases urinary excretion and accelerates the metabolism of cholesterol.

It decreases the amount of cholesterol, lipid and fatty acids and keeps the human immune system at such a level that no infection can prevail in the human organism or become chronic.  

Other benefits of the mixture:

–         It has antiparasitic effect;

–         It normalizes the filter activity of intestines;

–         It renews body cells;

–         It normalizes the function of intestines in particular, and all the organs in general;

–         It eliminates health problems like blood pressure, obesity, bronchial asthma, bronchitis, epilepsy, gastritis, menstrual disorders in women, sexual weakness in men and anemia. It is a cure all cardiovascular diseases.