This mixture sheds all the worms


Although there are several articles on anthelmintics, this mixture is more extensive due to its specificity of action. This mixture is very effective against giardiasis, ascarids, as well as against threadworms and other intestinal worms.

The required ingredients:

  • Tansy (powdered) – 50 grams
  • Ginger (powdered) – 30 grams
  • Pumpkin seeds (powdered) – 50 grams
  • Flax (powdered) – 20 grams
  • Senna leaves (powdered) – 10 grams

Mix the powdered herbs together; take a teaspoon of the mixture 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals, and drink a glass of water over it. If you want to give this mixture to children, you should use half a teaspoon for children under 5 years old, a teaspoon for children over 5 years old, and a teaspoon for children over 10 years old. If there is a problem with bitterness, you can mix a teaspoon of the mixture with a teaspoon of honey and eat it, but it should not be mixed with honey because then the bitterness of the plants passes to the honey and the mixture tastes bitter. Remember that the plants in the mixture are both cholagogue and wormwood, and therefore effective against giardiasis parasites in the bile ducts. Due to the laxative effect of flax and senna in the mixture, it causes the dead worms to be expelled from the intestines quickly. The duration of the treatment is 2 weeks. The use of the mixture should be discontinued in case of rashes or side effects.