Tips for cancer patients and for those who do not want to catch cancer

One of the most effective drugs in the treatment of cancer is black cumin. Grind 400 grams of black cumin seeds, mix with 300 grams of honey, knead like dough, then make balls smaller than walnuts, but bigger than hazelnuts in size, put it in the refrigerator and eat one ball 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals until they finish. It is better to have black cumin from Abyssinia (Ethiopia) because Abyssinian black cumin has more substances that affect tumors. This treatment not only cures cancer, but also many other diseases that are impossible to count them all. It is necessary to take a break for 10 days after the end of black cumin treatment and then start the treatment with Aquilaria Agallocha. Grind 300 grams of Aquilaria Agallocha into powder, then pour it into a glass bottle, mix a teaspoon with one cup of hot water and drink it 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. If you do not like the taste or your blood pressure is low, you can mix a teaspoon of honey in a cup of this infusion. Or take a teaspoon 3 times a day an hour before meals and drink a glass of water over it. After the treatment with Aquilaria Agallocha, take another 10-day break and move on to the next treatment. Mix half a teaspoon of soda in half a glass of freshly boiled water, then add raw water at room temperature until the glass is full, mix 5 drops of 3% peroxide and drink it 3 times a day an hour before meals. Continue this for 2 months. At the end of the summer, take 3-4 kg of each of blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, Russian plums and currants (both black and red), pass them through a meat grinder and mix well. Take 2 glasses of the mixture, pour it into a cellophane bag, tie it and put it in the refrigerator to freeze. During January, February, March, April, May, unwrap one cellophane a day, add a teaspoon of honey syrup to a glass of water and drink a cup 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. These berries are rich in antioxidants. Because they are not boiled, all their vitamins are preserved.

Today we are at a time when what we eat leads us to cancer. Look at refined, completely bleached granulated sugar, salt, rice, chickens gaining 1 kg of weight per month, genetically modified fruits, carbonated soft drinks, canned food, chemicals added to foods to prolong shelf life, for a pleasant appearance, chemically obtained artificial dyes, sausages, hot dogs, pasteurized products, mainly dairy products, milk left in the refrigerator for months, non-perishable yogurt, harmful habits like cigarettes and alcoholic beverages under various names, the rays of the latest models of mobile phones , energy drinks that are in trend today, cold teas (which remain for years due to the chemical added to it), sweets, candies, chocolates, jams (all made with sugar), ice cream, chewing gum and toothpastes which contain artificial sweeteners, especially toxic substances such as aspartame, black tea and coffee we drink every day (they contain 6-7 times more caffeine than regular green tea), various fast foods, sandwiches, doner and hamburgers, sweets baked with margarine (remember that margarine does not fully break down in the body, deposit in the inner wall of vessels and prevents the blood supply to the organs), drinks sold by world brands all over the world deceiving people by writing ‘sugar-free’ on them, ubut in fact, using artificial sweeteners consisting of chemicals (aspartame, saccharin, etc.) are not just harmful, but poisonous. All these foods, which I mentioned above, lead us to cancer and all systemic diseases for which there is no cure. Aren’t people ashamed when they go to weddings? At our weddings, people are like predators fighting over food. They eat all kinds of food on the table to make up for the money they pay as a gift*. We fit so much food in a handful of stomachs and drink carbonated sweet drinks on top of it. Poor body! See what it has to go through! Unfortunately, this is also considered to be one of our values.

Today, some of our intellectuals consider themselves eating “properly”, first eating the first course, then the second. There is no problem if the second food contains liquid like soup. But this is not the case. If we first eat chicken or lentil soup, then we eat foods such as stuffing or pasta, it means we weaken our body again. We should try to eat monotonously, that is, one type of food, and leave the table without getting full, so that our stomach has room to digest the food we eat. Drinking plain raw water after a meal will improve the digestion of what we eat and the intestines will work better.

Cancer patients should try to eat plenty of ripe fruits, vegetables and greens in time, and not to prefer greenhouse products. Imported, genetically modified products are low in nutrients. It is necessary to use plenty of garlic and onion; it is very useful to drink celery juice every morning on an empty stomach for one month. Remember that people living in the jungles of Africa do not have cancer because they always eat fruits and vegetables. I would also like to point out that it is not right to feed or fatten cancer patients in order to strengthen their bodies because cancer cells absorb 8 times more food than normal cells, so the more we eat, the 8 times more tumor cells in the body will be nourished. Another remedy that cancer cells fear is starvation or fasting. Fasting for 2 months is very useful for the treatment of the disease. Use plenty of yellow ginger in your meals or infuse a teaspoon of yellow ginger in a glass of water 3 times a day. Yellow ginger is a great source of antioxidants.

Apple cider vinegar is very useful. Mix a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water and drink it 2 hours after meals twice a day. You can do this for 2 months. Eat 10-15 dates every day; almost all the minerals and vitamins in the human body can be found in dates. It is very useful to eat 3-4 figs a day (fresh or dried). The phenolic compounds in figs have a lethal effect on both worms and tumor cells. It is very useful to eat 15 pickled olives a day and a handful of raisins or 1-2 bunches of fresh grapes.

Bee products are quite effective. It is very useful to eat a teaspoon of pollen 3 times a day before meals. Propolis is also very useful. Make it like pea-sized balls and swallow a ball 3 times a day before meals; you can do it for 2 months. Bee’s milk is also a very rich source of amino acids. You can mix 10 grams of bee’s milk with a cup of honey and drink it once a day on an empty stomach in the morning by mixing a teaspoon with a glass of water.

When treating cancer, never do it with one product or method, but change the products and methods you use every one or two months. Why should you do it so? This means that when cancer is newly formed, the body sends lymphocytes (white blood cells) to these areas to destroy the tumor, and although white blood cells can enter the tumor tissue and kill some, most can change their properties and shape and spread to white blood cells. Therefore, you can affect every tumor tissue that has changed its properties by changing the products and methods you use for therapeutic purposes.

In the end, I would like to point out that during treatment you must protect your nerves from tension. You must be 100 percent sure that you will overcome this disease. You must be in an optimistic mood every day. After walking in the open air for 2 hours every day, soak your towel in cold water at home and wipe your body. Do it every day in all weather conditions. It does not only lift the mood, but also activates the metabolism and increases the production of happiness hormones. Remember that the hormones of happiness also fight cancer and have a strong analgesic effect.

* In Azerbaijan and some other eastern countries, it is a custom to pay a certain amount of money when participating at a wedding. It is considered to be a gift from a guest to the bride and groom. (translator’s note)