What is immunity? – Methods to increase immunity

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The initial answer to the question of ‘What is immunity?’ is ‘The body’s resistance to diseases.’ But how can the body be less susceptible to disease and more comfortable when afflicted? Some people find a way to do this by eating a lot, others by sleeping a lot.

 Allah has given us all a certain life; we can live this life either healthy or sick. We need to live in such a way that the soul that Allah has entrusted to us always remains healthy. The basis of immunity is laid in the womb. When pregnant women eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, drink raw water, walk outdoors, and protect themselves from anger, the baby’s immune system also becomes properly formed.

It is important to try to give birth naturally, as this has many benefits for the newborn’s immune system. Mothers should breastfeed as much as possible. Although television commercials say that artificial foods are more nutritious than breast milk, these ideas are unfounded. Because breast milk contains special antibodies that enter the baby’s body and form immunity.

What can we do to stay healthy? First of all, it is necessary to recognize and reject foods that weaken the immune system. These include white bread, sweets, chips, fizzy drinks, canned goods and overcooked foods. In general, natural foods should be preferred as much as possible, as additives in industrially prepared foods have a negative effect on immunity.

It is important to eat fruits, salads and vegetables before each meal, to eat only one type of food at a time, and not to mix foods. Do not get used to eating a lot of meat, do not fill up your stomach, do not eat unless you are hungry and leave the table before you get full. Eat plenty of greens, onions and garlic with your meals. Eat fruit half an hour before or 2 hours after meals.

Walking outdoors for about 2 hours every day increases the body’s resistance.

One of the main enemies of immunity is nervous tension. Protect yourself from nervousness and stress. Get in the habit of drinking either a glass of yogurt or kefir after a meal, which is important for the intestinal microflora. Drink 2 liters of raw water in summer and 0.8 liters in winter. Drink a glass of honey syrup a day. It would be better to mix it with apple cider vinegar. Drinking a tablespoon of black cumin oil a day increases immunity. We can greatly strengthen our immune system by infusing the herbs like chamomile, linden, St.-John’s wort, plantain, licorice root, juniper, Aquilaria Agallocha, trigonella, hibiscus, saffron, ginger, cinnamon, foalfoot, rosemary, sage, immortelle, melissa, thyme, horsetail, etc. and drinking them instead of tea or just by drinking 3 cups of Immunotea tea a day for 10 days.

Paste to boost immunity:

  • Ginger powder – 50 grams
  • Ginseng root powder – 50 grams
  • Pollen – 50 grams
  • Aquilaria Agallocha powder – 50 grams
  • Echinacea root powder – 50 grams
  • Licorice root powder – 50 grams
  • Honey – 750 grams
  • Carob bakmaz – 750 grams

Eat plenty of seasonal fruits. Do not go to places where infectious diseases are prevalent. In order for a person to be healthy, the blood that supplies the organs with nutrients and oxygen must be clean and pure. For this purpose, it is useful to do hijama twice a year, as well as to put leeches twice a year, 40 of them each time.

You can prepare a special type of paste to keep the immunity at a high level. Adults should eat 1 kg of the paste twice a year, and children 0.5 kg. The dose is as follows: adults take a teaspoon, and children take half a teaspoon 3 times a day before meals.