What to do to lose weight in a healthy way

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The questions like “How can I lose weight in a healthy way?”, “What can we do to lose weight and stay healthy at the same time?”, or “Is gaining weight healthy?” puzzle both underweight and overweight people. Remember that there are a number of methods of losing weight such as different diets, reducing greasy and rich foods etc. Losing weight by dieting has a range of harms since eating only certain types of food causes vitamin and mineral deficiency in the body. Eventually, having become sick and tired of it, people decide to quit dieting and begin gaining weight even faster than before. Both ordinary people and nutritionists can benefit from this article. Those who want to lose weight in a healthy way should first get rid of anxiety, avoid very strong weight loss products, and lose weight slowly, patiently and, most importantly, enjoying it. In my practice, I have witnessed the sale of slimming products more in the spring. Let me explain why it is. The thick clothes we wear in winter slowly begin to thin as spring arrives, and overweight people are excited about this and want to lose weight fast in spring. This is a misconception as you need willpower to lose weight, not the right time.  Once you have willpower, you can do it any time, even right now.

So, let’s start with our prescriptions:

For losing weight: You should use:

  • Laxative remedies (remember that this method is common in Azerbaijan); 
  • Diuretics (diuretics remove water from the body);
  • Appetite suppressant;
  • Oxidizers (which burn fat in the body).

These should be done with patience and in turn, and at the same time it would be very useful to increase physical activity. People who want to lose weight must first be spiritually prepared. The first rule starts with the mouth, so don’t swallow every piece of food in your mouth without chewing it up to 30 times. Foods swallowed without chewing are difficult to digest, and because the saliva is less mixed and the food is not completely crushed, it is difficult to digest which eventually leads to obesity. Never consider obesity as health. Obesity is a metabolic disorder in which large fat molecules pass from the intestines into the bloodstream and eventually accumulate in the tissues. Obesity will lead you to serious illnesses in the future; it is an open door to diabetes, the primary cause of heart disease, and the root cause of fatigue, shortness of breath and laziness.

           To lose weight, it is best to start with oxidants because oxidizing plants burn fat slowly in the body. Although you lose weight very slowly, it is very effective. It is safe to say that the main oxidant is honey. Try to eat honey in the morning as it is a great tool for burning fats. Use apple vinegar. Mix a tablespoon of apple vinegar with a glass of raw water and drink it twice a day 2 hours after meals. You can do it even without a break. If you have low blood pressure or anemia, you can mix a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and a teaspoon of honey in a glass of water and drink it.

Oxidizing plants.

Green tea, Red pepper, dandelion root, ginger, chamomile, horseradish, yellow ginger and cinnamon. Half of the herbs I enumerated are spices and half are medicinal. Mix green tea, dandelion root, ginger root, chamomile and cinnamon together. Infuse 2 tablespoons in 3 glasses of water. Drink a glass of it 3 times a day, an hour before meals. You can start taking laxative remedies after drinking this mixture for one month.

Laxative herbs.

Fragile buckthorn bark, senna leaf, buckthorn fruit, hellebore root. These herbs cannot be mixed together and used. Only one of these plants can be taken and mixed with other plants. For example, prepare a collection of 100 grams of senna, 50 grams of hibiscus, 50 grams of mint, 50 grams of plantain, 50 grams of cinnamon; infuse 2 tablespoons of the collection in 3 glasses of water and drink a glass 3 times a day before meals. It is necessary to use hellebore, which is a laxative plant, in very small doses. For example, you can mix a pinch of hellebore with 2 pinches of ginger powder in a glass of boiling water and drink it twice a day 2 hours after meals. So, after drinking laxative herbal mixtures for one month (remember that you should not drink laxative herbs for more than one month because it makes the intestines lazy), you move on to the next stage.

Appetite suppressant herbs.

Sage, hollyhock root, parsley, flax, chia seeds. Remember that these plants should not be mixed together. You need to drink from each plant for one week. Infuse 2 tablespoons of sage in 3 cups of water, drink a cup 3 times a day before meals. Mix 3 tablespoons of hollyhock in 3 cups of boiling water, keep from evening to morning, drink one cup in the morning, afternoon and evening before meals. Eat parsley with your meals in big amounts. Boil a tablespoon of flax in a cup of water for 5 minutes, infuse for 10 minutes, filter after cooling and drink a cup of its water 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. Or mix a tablespoon of flax seeds with a cup of Caucasian yogurt, wait at least an hour and eat an hour before meals. Remember that the flax swells up, occupies the volume of the stomach, and the appetite gets lost because there is little space left to eat. Chia seeds are also used like flax. Diuretics should be taken after taking appetite suppressants for 2 months. Diuretics remove water from the body both through sweat and urine.

Diuretic herbs.

Thyme, calendula, horsetail, birch leaves, juniper berries, corn fringe. Take 50 grams of each of these herbs, mix them together, infuse 2 tablespoons of the mixture in 3 cups of water, drink a glass of it 3 times a day 30 minutes before eating. All these treatments can be repeated after completion.