Everyone needs haylulah sleep (midday sleep)

haylulə qaylulə

Haylulah sleep is usually 20-30 minutes of sleep around noon. The Prophet (Peace and Bless be upon him) approved of napping for half an hour after lunch and he also advised his Companions to do so. Haylulah sleep is very important and useful for human since sleeping for half an hour around noon is equivalent to sleeping for 2 hours at night. Pupils who get haylulah sleep perform 50% better than those who don’t. According to the research done on volunteers in Harvard University, those sleeping around noon turned out to be more energetic, more productive at work and they had less sore eyes in comparison with those who don’t.  In general, people who get up late in the morning usually feel tired and weak. Sleeping late is approved neither Islamically nor scientifically. But getting up early in the morning and taking a nap in the afternoon relieves the fatigue from morning to noon, and in the afternoon causes you to start working in a new spirit. Haylulah sleep is necessary for those who are short-tempered, and those who suffer from panic attacks, who constantly feel tired, who mainly do mental work, and who study for exams. Those who suffer from depression should definitely try it. Get up early in the morning, and have a short nap in the afternoon. It will give you a lot of energy. Over time, you will be independent from negativity. Researches carried out in Scandinavian countries are more astonishing: the heart of those who took a day nap started functioning more properly. People with cardiovascular problems felt much better after taking a nap in the afternoon.

           You might be curious why I am mentioning the researches of foreign scientists. First of all, some of us, unfortunately, do not believe in the prescriptions of our religion. My purpose in writing the results of these researches is to convey that there is nothing useless in our religion, and to convince my readers that following what I have written here in this book can only benefit us.