A recipe for memory and attention from Ali ibn Abi Talib (may Allah be pleased with him)

yaddaş və diqqət

A man asked Ali ibn Abi Talib (may Allah be pleased with him) for a solution to strengthen his memory, and Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) said: “A Muslim should love for his Muslim brother what he loves for himself. In the evenings, I mix saffron strands (1 gram of saffron should be divided into 5 parts) into half a glass of warm water. As I get up in the morning, I add milk until it is full and drink it. And I eat the saffron.”          

It is a perfect recipe that improves blood circulation to the brain, relieves headaches and improves vision. I have to remind that those who have weak eyes or want their eyes to see better should drink saffron infusion without milk in the above recipe and pour 3-4 drops in their eyes 3 times a day. Saffron has a very strong bactericidal effect. I once saw an 85-year-old man reading without glasses and very comfortably. When I asked the reason, he said that he poured saffron infusion into his eyes three times a day and also drank it like tea.