Chamomile – the most widely consumed medicinal plant in the world


Dear readers, chamomile is a really useful plant that should be drunk. Chamomile is such a mysterious plant that its infusion is drunk in different countries for different benefits.

           I recommend that you drink chamomile tea 5-6 times a week, not only when you are sick. For example, drinking a glass of infusion before going to bed in the evening both calms the nerves and deepens sleep.

           Chamomile flowers can also be infused in milk and drunk before going to bed in the evening. This method is more common in America.

           There are several types of chamomile. Due to its benefits, such as tea, its small sort or the one which crumbles when touching its flower, that is the chamomile sold in pharmacy, is used more commonly. Chamomile species with large flowers are more widespread in Azerbaijan. They are used externally in various skin rashes, diathesis, skin spots and as a bath to soothe the nerves. It is better to buy chamomile taken orally as tea in pharmacies.

           Statistics show that more than one million people worldwide use chamomile tea every day.

           Although non-specific diseases such as peptic ulcer are sometimes treated for years, no results are obtained. It is useful for such patients to drink chamomile tea 4 times a day for 3 months.


           Chamomile flower has a spasmolytic effect. Therefore, it is taken 3 times a day for flatulence, diarrhea and intestinal spasms.

           For gastritis and colitis and gastrointestinal ulcers, drink one glass 3 times a day before meals.

           Regular consumption of chamomile tea reduces the risk of developing diabetes and increases visual acuity. Regular drinkers do not gain weight, but always stay in shape. They do not have nervous and sleep problems, and their skin remains alive because chamomile is a natural source of antioxidants and it slows aging.

           It is a useful tea for women who suffer from menstrual disorders and are in the climacteric period.

           In mouth and throat sores and pharyngitis, infuse a tablespoon of chamomile in a glass of water and rinse it 3 times a day.

           In rhinitis and allergic rhinitis and in antritis, infuse 2 tablespoons of chamomile in 2 cups of water, slowly pour it into one nostril and it will flow from the other nostril; it should be done twice a day.

           In case of epiphora, conjunctivitis, inflammation and redness, infuse a teaspoon of chamomile in a cup of water, slowly pour it into your eyes and wash your eyeballs.

           For children with intestinal infections, infuse a tablespoon of chamomile in 3 cups of water and wash the intestines.

           In frontitis and antritis, infuse 2 tablespoons of chamomile in a cup of water over low heat and apply the steam on your face. In this case, the head should be covered with a towel and the room should be warm. It is best to do this before going to bed at night.

           Fill a 0.5-liter glass bottle halfway with chamomile, pour olive oil on it until it is completely filled, close the lid and keep it in a 40-60 degree oven or room heater for 2 weeks, then strain and chamomile oil is obtained. This oil shines and refreshes the skin; the effect is better when the skin is massaged with this oil 2-3 hours before washing. It reduces joint pain. When young children have abdominal pain, rub chamomile oil on their back and abdomen. It relieves cramps. During hair loss and dandruff, massages your scalp with chamomile oil 3 hours before washing your hair.