Islamic medic Ali Ibn Abbas

Ali ibn Abbas was one of the valuable Islamic physicians born in the Iranian city of Ahvaz in the early 10th century. He wrote ‘Al-Maliki’, which played a special role in the development of Islamic medicine. The first part of this work deals with the theory of medicine, and the second part deals with the basics of medicine.

           The book contains 110 articles on human anatomy and surgery. ‘Al-Maliki’ was used as a medical textbook in European countries until the 16th century. It was republished in French in 1903.

           Some of the quotes of the scientist:

–  One should not work as a doctor until he understands what it means to be a doctor;

–  Man must pay attention to the purity of heart and body, and live his life always for the sake of Allah;

–  The doctor should not tell anyone about the patients’ personal lives and illnesses.

           Ali ibn Abbas was the first to classify gastric, intestinal, and uterine tumors into malignant or benign types, and to have these tumors surgically removed. During the operation, paramedics used poppy seeds and opium as anesthetics.

           During the operation, the doctor said: “The wound should be separated from healthy tissue and removed. In this case, the mouth of the veins should be burned to prevent the patient from losing blood. For the first time during the operation, he classified capillaries, venous and arterial vessels, and applied loop closure of arterial vessels.

           For the first time he performed eye and tonsil surgeries. His method of eye surgery was used in Europe until the 18th century. He said that Hippocrates’ idea that “At birth the baby comes by itself” was wrong, and wrote about the contraction of the uterine muscles.

           In Ibn Sina, Ali ibn Abbas spoke about healthy eating and showed ways to get rid of diseases by eating. The book provides extensive information on the benefits of starvation.

           The doctor gave extensive information about the main and capillaries. Despite the development of Greek medicine at that time, Greek scholars did not comment on this. Professor Phillip said: “This classification paved the way for those who came after this scientist.”

           All this happened not yesterday, but exactly 11 centuries ago, when we accepted our holy book, the Qur’an, and our religion, Islam.